Design Services
Each sector is the result of an organic journey of experience, demand and supply. Our stories bring with them an innovative touch to every project.
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Parkour Parks + Murals
We provide a range of fixed Parkour and movement training set ups and murals for various locations and budgets. Working with schools, landscape architects and city planners to create the ideal space.
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Climbable Sculpture
Art should be experienced. Our bespoke climbable sculptures explore the boundaries of art, play and fitness for public use. Designed for impact each piece encourages participation in multiple ways.
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Public Furniture
Explore a range of public furniture that combines aesthetic social seating with movement exploration, fitness, parkour and play. Designed for all, offering opportunity for accessible personal development.
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Parkour Equipment
Coming soon - A range or stylish, portable and affordable parkour equipment for schools and sports clubs. Space saving and easily transported, our equipment is designed for optimum efficiency both for its user and its owner.
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Soft Play Parkour
Coming soon - A range of soft play elements for ages 0 - 6 , 7 - 16 and 16 - 60 years. Challenge your creativity by assembling your own parkour play park and discover new movement challenges in a safe and playful environment.